Always feel that your face is too angular? Or think that the flesh of the cheeks is as thick and ugly as formalin? Then, you might consider doing “face sculpture”. Chen Zijin, director of the Caixin Plastic Surgery Center, said that the so-called “face sculpture” is actually a combination of the concepts and techniques of bone removal surgery, fat sculpture and facial sculpture. Before the operation, according to the individual situation and the golden ratio, tailor-made the perfect proportion of the oval face.

It is worth mentioning that, compared with traditional bone cutting, the Korean style bone cutting, which has become more and more popular in recent years, can perfectly sculpt the curve of the face. Dr. Chen Zijin explained that the traditional facial bone sculpture is called bone grinding surgery, which can only use instruments to grind off the protruding bones. Because the bones that can be lost by bone grinding are very limited, the effect is not very obvious. “Small corners” cannot effectively improve the problems of pie face or national character face. As for the Korean bone reduction surgery, it uses six points of cheekbones, mandible angle, chin, and nose shape to create a three-dimensional, smooth, well-proportioned face with oriental characteristics. Through extensive bone reduction and bone grinding, Improves the abrupt face shape on the side and front. Take the following jaw angle as an example. It uses a special saw to cut off a large layer of bone, and then grind off the edge of the abrupt bone. Although the operation is more complicated, the appearance is more natural and the degree of improvement is more obvious. In addition, surgery is usually accessed through an incision in the oral gums, so there is no need to worry about scars.

However, if you really don’t dare to cut your bones, don’t give up your hope. Dr. Chen Zijin mentioned that sometimes you don’t have to cut your bones if you want to make your face smaller. The facial features can be properly reshaped to change the proportions, and a considerable degree of improvement can be achieved. He explained that there is a “visual relativity” in the proportions of the face. For example, if the nose is too small or the distance between the two eyes is too wide, and the eyes are too short, the face will appear relatively large. At this time, only moderate rhinoplasty or double eyelids are needed. Surgery to widen the eye tip and eye tip can make the face look much smaller.

If your cheeks are sunken but do not want to cut your bones, you can use abdominal or thigh fat to sculpt a three-dimensional face. Conversely, if your cheeks have “baby fat”, they can be improved by liposuction, but they must be evaluated by a professional doctor in advance. And the muscular Chinese face can be injected with Botox to avoid the fear of surgery.

Suffering from “big face”? Believe that “Face Sculpture” can tailor your face to make a more confident face!

Full records of face sculpture visits

Step 1. Consultation and communication

Put forward your own troubles, and the doctor will propose possible treatment projects for communication.

Step 2. Face measurement

Using a professional measuring instrument, measure the distance from the upper edge of the forehead to the chin, hairline to eyebrows, lips to chin…etc.

■Calculate the golden ratio of face shape

The golden ratio of the face shape, the length from the hairline to the chin is about 18-19 cm, divided into 3 equal parts; the width is divided into 5 equal parts from the distance between the zygomatic arches on both sides of 12.5-13 cm. Among them, the length of the eyes and the width of the nose both account for 1/5 of the width of the face.

Step 3. Take pictures

Photograph the front and side of the face, on the one hand, it can be archived as a preoperative photo, on the other hand it can be used to simulate the postoperative effect.

Step 4. Perform computer simulation

Use the computer to simulate the postoperative appearance and make more specific communication.

■Computer simulation

The computer simulates the comparison before and after plastic surgery, and you can see the postoperative appearance before proceeding. Although it is a floor plan, its reference is still quite high.

Step 5. Preoperative examination

In order to ensure the safety of the operation, various blood tests must be performed before the operation.

Step 6. Fasting for 8 hours before surgery

If a general anaesthetic surgery (such as bone removal surgery) is to be performed, fasting must be performed 8 hours before the surgery.

Step 7. Perform anesthesia

Bone reduction surgery requires general anesthesia, while liposculpture requires local anesthesia.

Step 8. Start of surgery

The surgical incision for bone reduction surgery is entered through the oral gum incision. If liposuction is required, it can be done during the operation.

Postoperative recovery

It usually takes at least one to two months after the operation to completely reduce the swelling. If the autologous three-second glue is used during the operation, in addition to avoiding infection concerns, no drainage tube and convenient care, the recovery period can be shortened to 2-3 week.

Take a look! Face sculpture surgery results

Before: Please explain according to the provided photos
After: Please explain according to the photos provided by the doctor

If you are afraid of the risk of “general anesthesia”

Bone reduction surgery requires general anesthesia, so the risk is certainly higher than simple double eyelid or nose sculpture surgery. Dr. Chen Zijin therefore emphasized that before surgery, good consultation, communication and professional evaluation must be carried out to avoid irreparable regrets. In addition, in terms of plastic surgery hospitals, choose medical hospitals with qualified plastic surgery licenses. The doctors have a good reputation, witnesses, and can fully understand the content and risks of the treatment or surgery.

How to ensure surgical safety

In any operation, safety must be the first priority. Dr. Chen Zijin mentioned that plastic surgery is basically not particularly dangerous. Only when anesthesia is improper, the recipient of the surgery lacks a coagulation factor, or the blood vessel is injured during the operation, causing a lot of blood loss, it will cause a more dangerous situation. Therefore, he suggested that in addition to choosing a trustworthy doctor, confirm your physical condition and inform the doctor in detail whether you have any special physique, medical history, and current medications. The operation will be safer and more secure.